Towards Freedom

Information, Inspiration, Imagination
truly a site for soaring Is


001 Ranjana in Ottawa

What you must realize is that Ranjana really was not (and is not) what she appears to be! I did not find this out for quite a while even though I had been tormented by her continuously since she was four!

In the nation's capital, she and her cohorts unleashed a campaign of terror unrivalled even in fiction! Did they to it for ideology? No. For profit. No.

They did it just for fun!

003 Irreverence With Sass to Go

My friend Tricia walks her dogs Buddy and Sadie at the park. These walks are not only good for her dogs, but also good for the other people who are also walking their dogs, because being a dedicated, ethical vegan animal rights activist, she uses every opportunity to bring the plight of animals to the attention of anyone who will listen to her (and even to those who really don't want to listen to her). As a result, she's had many a verbal adventure, some of which you can read in her own blook, Tricia Times.

004 The Old Man

Kyron's beginnings were what one might say rather coincidental. He actually tried very hard to arrive on my birthday, October 27. However, his mother, Ranjana wouldn't let him.

Ranjana wanted a natural birth and enlisted the aid and guidance of not one, but two midwives, Jane and Larry, as well as Kelly, her own medical doctor. Unfortunately, she didn't listen to anything they said and did her own thing, so one does wonder what the point of having them around really was. On Friday, October 27, she went into labor at home and the midwives arrived full of energy, enthusiasm and good advice. So assisted by them and our first child, Pericles the cockatiel, Ranjana settled down to what was supposed to be a simple process. After all, she had excellent help all around and Kyron was most willing to cooperate.

005 Wedaches

All anyone has to do is look without prejudice, and the similarities between weddings and funerals become obviously apparent. In fact, the two functions are nearly identical. Both are exorbitantly expensive. Both require all participants to dress in weird and uncomfortable outfits. Both have an abundance of tears, provided sometimes by hired help. Both have parties. And both are a celebration of the end of something. In fact, about the only difference is that in a funeral the center of attention at least enjoys the benefit of not being present.

006 The Pig Dog

Jumpr was originally called Gordon Whitefoot by the couple who got him from the SPCA. I guess they either liked Lightfoot's songs or they thought they were being nomenclaturely clever. Unfortunately, they didn't realize that this dog wasn't interested in singing, but in jumping over their 3 foot high fence. No matter how they tried to stop him, he got over it, so after a short while they returned him in frustration.

007 The Oh Ohs

I was reluctant to have the Oh-Oh's live here.

It wasn't that I didn't like cats, but we already had two.

Our first cat Chuchu better known as Oooochiii had recently died. She had found us more than 8 years ago and was a gentle, uncomplaining soul who had unfortunately lost the ability to use her hind legs. I remember the first day she showed up having miraculously evaded our dogs and sat looking up hopefully at my young son. Her back legs moved with awkwardness at that time and she had recently given birth (who knows how many times). Gradually, the condition worsened, but not her spirit.

008 The Way of the Rabbit

Poppy is a beautiful silver rabbit whom we got from the SPCA as a companion to Gaw the philosophical guinea pig. So first let me tell you about Gaw even though this is not his story.

Gaw was originally named Pansy for some completely inexplicable reason. We took him in because the people he was staying with couldn't keep pets. We couldn't either, but when I explained to our landlords that my son was so desperate to have a little friend that he was playing with and even naming the woodbugs, they relented. Gaw had a very sagacious look even when he purred. It was the look of a wise being.

A Bit About Wes

I came into this life as of March 10th, 1977, at about 11:11 AM.

Here I am; in the midst of eternity. Playing the game called life. I'm grateful to be here, and am truly blessed in many ways.

During the course of my existence, I have come to the powerful realization that I am here for two main purposes:

Part of the reason for my being here now is to make a positive contribution to this world. I hope to make quite an impact before I move on.

A Chess Story

This story was initially conceived by Sangeeta as a present for a friend (who never got around to seeing it), but was written largely by prad many years ago. Sangeeta will be illustrating it sometime in the next several decades. If you know your chess or your life, you are welcome to play it out.

A Song for Bloody Geoff

There once was a sealer named Bryce
Whose heart was as frigid as ice.
He clubbed 'em and snagged 'em
Then brutally dragged 'em;
Of mercy he didn't think twice.

Now Bryce had some friends, it's been told
Whose souls had long since been sold.
They pandered and lied,
Geoff Regan at side:
A leader with morals "on hold".

Geoff's greed was well-known in the land
(He refused to have the slaughter banned.)
He sent the Coast Guard
To where ice floes were marred
And more innocent deaths had been planned.

A Way to Rama

There was once a very evil robber who had committed atrocities galore. He had come to the realization that he was in big trouble with a large account of bad karma due to his egocentric activities.

A01 Happy Easter Dear Emma

Today, Easter Sunday, we are celebrating life with our real Easter Bunny named Emma. It was just about one year ago on a cold and rainy day I decided to venture off into a rough part of town to check on a dog who seemed to be neglected. While driving in a downpour I asked myself why on earth I was going into a rough neighborhood to pretend to be interested in getting a dog that I had no intention of adopting. Several times I attempted to turn back, but the car seemed to have a mind of its own and kept pushing onward toward our destination. Upon arriving I was greeted by a large and disgruntled woman who led me into her tiny backyard. She brought the dog to me who was frantic from lack of exercise and kept running in circles around me. I noticed a group of small boxes and inquired as to what they were. Mary, the woman, told me that they contained rabbits. I asked her to lift up the wooden doors so that I could see them and I was shocked to see rabbits of all different breeds in tiny wire cages with no amenities whatsoever. One in particular was cowering and shaking staring at me with a plea for help. When I told Mary that I saw no food, water or bedding and was concerned of the rabbits trembling, she said they would get a few pellets and some water at the end of the day. I asked why they had no bedding or hay and her response was they were breeders not pets. When she shut the door to the cages I felt sick that once again they were in the dark and cold in complete isolation. I drove home and did not sleep for 2 nights as I could not get the vision of these terrified rabbits out of my head. Finally I called Mary and asked if I could adopt the little gray bunny who was trembling so. She yelled that she was a breeder and paid good money for her. I offered her more than she paid and picked her up the next day. I felt guilty as though I was supporting a mill, but I had to save this precious little rabbit. Having never had a rabbit before, I didn't know exactly what she needed, but after looking on line had everything ready for her when she arrived at her new home. We had her spayed, litter trained her and she now sleeps on a soft bed compared to wire, has full run of the house and is a companion to our dogs and cats. She has not been in a cage since after the first week we brought her home. She lives life to the fullest and entertains us daily with her ballet leaps and spins and her hilarious antics. She was 2 years old when she came to live with us and her past life has finally vanished. She is no longer timid or anxious and greets us every morning with love and joy. So today we say Happy Easter to our dear little Emma who will live out her life free of oppression and dominance and will continue to be the bunny she was meant to be.

An Ode to Spiritual Gurus

Eckhart Tolle reminds me of a cartoon character mole
I don't think he'd mind at all, he'd probably just say, LOL
He sits in contemplative silence for quite a lengthy fraction
Until he starts to stir and then we might just see some action

He talks about how to be aware and in the present
If you can manage this it is extremely pleasant
But when thoughts come, if you get really pissed
The essence of his teachings you likely have missed


Lettuce look at the apeeling benefits that eating fruits and vegetables can injuice.

At this currant thyme there is much information available about how processed foods can contribute to health issues such as leeky gut, which cannot be ignoried. It is a good idea to beetroo to yourself by eating a simple natural diet and it doesn't take a sage to work thistle out.

Eating a diet of wholefoods cresses every cell in our bodies with a sense of pease and makes us feel much more comfrey, plus it tastes good so we get a berry good dill.

Being British

Sips a cup of tea whilst leaning against a red phone booth whilst holding a bag of salt' n' vinegar chips whilst saying 'How do you do?' whilst a stereotypical policeman walks by singing 'God Save The Queen' whilst criminals wearing stripy pajamas rob a bank using sacks across the road in broad daylight and make their get away on a big red bus of which Cliff Richard is the driver who is serenading them with 'Summer Holiday' whilst the passengers sit in awkward silence stewing in social shame because they are amongst strangers whilst they wonder who is the psycho driving the bus and inappropriately engaging in joyous self-expression in a public place but it doesn't bother them for long as they are busy planning a list of soap operas to watch that night and whether to have their potatoes roasted, boiled or mashed whilst they browse through the paper to check to see what murders, rapes and muggings took place the previous day… because everyone likes a routine in England ;) It's just a shame that they had to look in the paper for these things (which is surely second rate) when they could have captured the bank robbery on their very own iphones (and posted it on Facebook) but they missed it as they had been too busy tweetin' about what they had in their sandwich that day.


Last night I dreamt of a bluebird
A beautiful warm hue of blue
You keep dancing into my reality
Bluebird do you I know you?

Your feathers velvety smooth
You flew gracefully up above
Winding and twisting joyously
For you I felt such love


As a child I had a bike called Bluebird
Which I loved to ride all day
I liked the film called Bluebird
And the magical adventure they take


Are you a lover of books? Are you a parent looking for book recommendations for your young child or teenager? If so, you've come to the right place! LouAnne Taylor has put together a wonderful website for children and parents alike, to find age appropriate books and learning about the importance of literacy …

Cosmic Soulmates

While I tend to be agnostic, there are many aspects of various religions I admire, a viewpoint which permits one to not hold arrogant perspectives like 'my religion is better than yours'.

Cup of Tea

A prominent western philosopher had come to Japan to study with a zen master through an exchange program. The two of them sat down for a traditional tea.


There is a tasty seaweed
On which I like to feed
Mineral rich, purple and salty dulse is
Good on salads, grains and pulses

I feel like a mermaid
Eating an Atlantis dish
To add a sea-like flavour
I needn't hurt a fish!

I sprinkle flakes on salad
Mix it into hearty stew
Blend it into veggie soup
Or snack on a piece or two!

I have two bits of pet dulse
Floating contentedly in a jar
Above a bed of stony gravel
In veganism… let's raise the bar!

F01 Family

While meditating, a picture of my sister, Maryann, flashed across my gaze. Maryann had fallen from a car going 60 mph when she was 4 years old. As a result of the accident she became brain-damaged and her eyes crossed. She was in a coma for 31 days and had to learn to walk and speak all over again. She was a constant source of anguish to my parents, who decided she would be the scapegoat for all of their problems. She rarely attended school and by the 8th grade she was expelled never to return to any formal education or home schooling. She began to drink a lot of alcohol at an early age which progressed to any and every type of drug. She was in and out of mental institutions as well as prison cells. She was the eldest child of seven and abused all of her younger siblings both physically and mentally. Just the same I loved her. None of my brothers or sisters shared my feelings for Maryann. As a matter of fact when she died, we were asked at her burial if anyone would like to say anything to her before she was lowered into the ground. My brothers shook their heads no, while my twin sister said that since she was unable to love Maryann in life that maybe God could love her for her. I said that I loved Maryann and would miss her terribly as she was very dear to me, then broke down sobbing. Why did I love this sister who had been cruel to me in so many ways especially when I did well or excelled in form of art, music, dance, academics or athletics?

F02 Family

When I was 12 years of age, a nun, named Sister Thea, had our entire classroom scribble a design onto a sheet of construction paper then find an object within the design from which to make a landscape. In my design, I had found a slipper that was gently sweeping among a forest floor of leaves. I drew and colored each leaf on my sheet of paper in brilliant autumn colors. The slipper took on a deep rich crimson red. Sister Thea loved my drawing, stating hands down I had taken first place in art class. I had a choice of icons as a prize and chose my favorite (as a child) which was the Infant of Prague. I ran all the way home from school in anticipation of showing my parents my drawing and statue. Upon arriving home the first person to see my picture was Maryann. I was so excited to show it to her and tell her how I had won first place and received a statue that I couldn't contain my joy. Maryann became extremely agitated while holding my drawing in her hands and proceeded to rip my picture into hundreds of scraps. I was in disbelief and while crying began to crawl on the floor desperately trying to gather the pieces in hopes of putting it back together for my parents to see. As a child I didn't grasp how anyone could be so cruel, as an adult I realized how jealous and inferior Maryann felt and that any achievement of mine was an affront to her.

F03 Family

As we children matured, I continued to love Maryann and of all 7 children I was the only one she cared about and wanted to be with. She was a wonderful aunt to my children and they adored her. She had a certain child-like innocence and was able to impart a lot of her gifts to my children that adults were not privy to. I became to understand Maryann by watching her interact with my kids. When my children got older she lost all interest in them, but she and I remained close. About a month before she died, at the age of 49, she had asked me if she started to drink carrot juice and eat vegetarian as I did would she ever look like me. From all her years of drinking and drug abuse her face had become mottled and puffy and her tiny frame was bloated. I told her she was already beautiful, but a healthy diet would definitely enhance her beauty. The day before she died she called to tell me that she had her first glass of carrot juice and was having salad and veggies for dinner. Before I began meditating this morning I was thinking of how I no longer have a relationship with any of my living siblings except my brother Kevin. Kevin who is deaf and blind in one eye and labeled mentally retarded is also a vegetarian due to my influence. I felt a little sad at the loss of ties to my other siblings, but at once recalled a statement a very wise soul had said to me: "It's alright to wait for someone as long as we don't wait with them." As I thought of that statement I felt peaceful and decided to meditate. While meditating Maryann's face flashed before me and I realized if she were alive today she would join Kevin and myself in the Animal Rights Movement. I wonder why it is that of all of my brothers and sisters only the 2 who were brain injured were able to see the unethical and immoral use of animals for food, while the others choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to such abuse.

Going and Coming Back

This is a story we often tell to those who feel they have suffered a loss of a loved one of any species.

Honey Sheperd

Honey Sheperd (1957-2006) wrote several songs and poems that we hope to make others aware of. You can find out more here and from there go to her website Thru Bambis Eyes which has mp3s of Honey performing.

Honey Sheperd

Honey Sheperd (1957-2006) was an actress who starred in the movies Club Life and It Came from Hollywood. She has a page on AncientFaces.

A talented songwriter and singer, her work still helps those who "suffer unseen" in many ways.

We were fortunate to be able to create a website for her intense words and strong music that cover a wide range of topics and events. Her work is poignant yet inspiring.

In the Shower

Why does showering make people sing?
Is it a biological or habitual thing?
When the water starts cascading down
Some start to make all kinds of sounds!

Get thoroughly wet and lather the soap
No room for rubber ducky or a sailor's boat
Just a waterproof radio and a bottle or two
And in the corner possibly some mildew

A quick wash and go can refresh one nicely
Or a long luxurious waterfall relaxes enticingly
Some additional shaving may also take place
Or an exotic salt scrub upon the body and face

Into the Rainbow

Into the rainbow I fly
Beautiful colours in the sky
A portal to the unknown
Infinite mysteries of the soul

Waiting to be discovered
Treasures to be uncovered
I let go and am taken
I surrender I awaken

It's not over the arch
It's not at the end
It's not the pot of gold
It's now it's fresh

Carried on the breeze
Of love's free wings
Entering the newness
My soul sings

Introverts and Extroverts

I can only speak for myself as I describe it how I see
But I imagine that many will find a similarity
The meaning of introversion is often misconstrued
So try listening to a few before you conclude!

Each of us has tendencies that are of both kinds
Introversion and extroversion in each of us combined
Energies that express themselves in many different ways
Yet are one and the same like the nights and days


More to come, as we welcome new contributions.

Jewel in the Dust

A man and his wife having lived into their old age chose to leave behind their worldly possessions and follow the path of spirituality. They lived in the cleanliness of poverty filling their days with praying instead of preying.


The story of our encounter with a 1981 AMC Eagle!


(Graphic courtesy of

into the mist a winged horse sings
through the clouds music she brings
gliding on rainbows high in the sky
mysterious with grace she flies
into the mist she sings


Here we highlight music and musicians.

Narad to Nirvana

There is an ancient Hindu story about the messenger Narad who used to travel between heaven and earth to maintain 'communications' so to speak. On one such trip to heaven, he happened to go past two yogis practising in an effort to prepare for Nirvana. Each asked Narad to find out how long he would have to wait.


I'm clearing out my life
of baggage held so long
no need for limitation
this makes me strong

No need to talk about
the moment that is now
plans or hopes or dreams
why or when or how

silence says it all
heart sings aloud
God is right here
not on some distant cloud

appearances can deceive
but all that I need
is here in my heart
and so I am freed

Ode to Pericles

Now, little Pericles
Won't you come a bit closer, please?

And whisper softly in our ear
Those sweet phrases we long to hear

"Baby", " Hi", and "Where are you?"
Surely that's not all you can do!

Oh yes, "Hi ho, Hi ho"
As you rightly know

Is our very favorite.
We listen, we moan, we savour it

Whenever you bless us with that tune
Sadly we wonder why you stop so soon.


Everything is made of one
All else is illusion
If you perceive separation
You will feel confusion

There is no point in resisting
And trying to block things out
Just open up to more
That is what life's about

New experiences of the soul
Another piece revealed
Is this never ending
Love that God is sending?

Reveal that problems don't exist
Except in our perception
Surrender thoughts to God
For effortless correction

P Equals M C Snared

This work came about as a result of having to defend two venomous onslaughts on the nobility of physics. Unfortunately, certain people don't seem to realize the universality of this simple truth - physics is everything! The word physics means the knowledge of nature and nature is all encompassing.

Paper Folding for the Practical Person

The process of folding paper is a rewarding one since it provides an opportunity to exercise one's creativity within strict outcomes. Furthermore, the finished product of this activity has various utilitarian applications as will be illustrated in the second part of this article.

Period Dramas

I wonder why period dramas particularly appeal to women
Why some of us get flustered when we see Darcy swimmin'
Is it the suits and dresses that the characters wear?
Or perhaps it's their manners and vocabulary flare

The male and female roles often contrast each other's
And we are overjoyed when they finally are lovers
Is it the lead up that gives us such a thrill
Or does the first kiss provide the biggest chill?


From reading the title, you might think that I have trouble spelling. The thought had crossed my mind that such a thought would cross your mind and so I had to figure out a suitable answer to the contrary. That answer has taken the entire space of this introduction, so read on.

Pictures From Mystics

A beautiful collection of short stories cross religions and cultures told by Swami Vaswani that often show the way to living properly. It is from the East and West Series.

Power of the Breath


Power of the breath
Where all life is born
Burst through the veil
Divinity into form

Like a thousand horses
Running on the beach
Each of them from heaven
Divinity in each

Like the wind up high
Rolling through the storm
Like contrast of soft petals
Protected by a thorn

Creation of life
In a single breath
Through embracing life
Relinquishment of death

Breathing in nourishment
Then surrender letting go
I am the mystery
Unfolding as I grow


This is an ever-growing list of quotations attributed to various individuals throughout history.


We used to live near the water when we moved in 1995 to Duncan, BC on Khenipsen Road, beside a First Nations area. It was a very nice place, except for the hunting and fishing that took place there.


This is the official (albeit still incomplete) pradictionary which contains all things related to prad. If anything useful has been overlooked, please point out the omission.


Prathora of praticulars that pramarily praccupy prad and prabably no one else. Prasevere at your own jeaprady!


These are zenish short stories merrily modified from various sources such as:

Radical Zen

An intriguing book with many items about and attributed to Joshu.

Rainbow River

There is nothing left to stay for
And everything for which to go
As I give birth to my soul
The rainbow river lets me know

Which path to take
Which trail to follow
The treasure waits
No time to borrow

The current pulls me in
As I let go to its strength
No longer any resistance
And I will go to any length

To protect the alignment
For it is all that's real
No compromise of truth
Is pure divine will

Rosalind and the Purple Tulip

Throughout this story, click on the play button to hear each song.

In a small town, not very far away, there lived a girl named Rosalind. She loved the spring with its blossoms, chirping birds, and wonderful rain that washes away the dirty snow and waters the plants. Rosalind played outside with her older brother Terrance. The two of them loved looking after the plants in their special garden in the backyard. In the springtime bright tulips and yellow daffodils bloomed. As always their little garden was glowing with colour. Yet this spring was different …

Soul Labyrinth

FOR AN INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE: Read whilst listening to the song that I was
listening to on repeat as I wrote it in the middle of the night… wait until
he's sung the intro… then you're good to go…

Past the gates of time
I walk in anticipation
Surrender myself to
A mysterious initiation


Photo credit: Peter Smith, Newbery Smith Photgraphy

Surrounded by stone pillars
On the altar of our love
Spirit calls us from beyond
To merge with the sky above

I am you and you are me
Divinity sees its face
Within eternal stillness
From each unique place

You hold me and I hold you
In a sacred embrace
As we spiral endlessly
Through time and space

Timeless reality
Calls us from the dream
As we remember who we are
And not who we seem

That London Twang

I come from South East London
Accent a mix of things
It changes frequently
And disappears when I sing

I make up words quite often
Out of laziness I guess
Melding words together
So that I can speak less

"You've got that London twang"
A friend said when I spoke
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I sound like common folk?"

He explained grammatical errors
And a lilting of my voice
I said I planned elocution lessons
To make a better choice

The Battle

We revisit the famous conversation between a warrior and his charioteer before the battle of Kurukshetra.

The Gift

Let us give a gift to the world,
a gift of joy and boundless peace.

Just for a moment,
let us see through the eyes
of those, so much weaker than us,
who suffer:

An infant prisoner, the veal calf,
crying in darkness for the mother
he has never known,
her milk collected for "higher" appetites.

The egg-layer huddling painfully
in cramped confinement, destined never
to know the joy of sheltering chicks
beneath her strong wings.

The Poor Rich Girl

Buddha asked his disciples to help the poor during a great famine. A very wealthy man spoke up, "Not all my wealth can feed the hungry - there are so many!"

The Rosebush

A rosebush can show the many opportunities one can pursue, if one stays honest and aware.

The Stone

Nanak was a travelling guru. He visited many places in India, Arabia and Mesopotamia.

Thoughts Manifestations and Life

The thoughts we think manifest the reality we live in. Collectively, we create our universe. The inner essence will manifest into the outer. The inner essence is thought - conscious and subconscious levels of thought. The outer is what we perceive as our life, what "is". Thought is senior to substance. All around us are manifestations of thought.

Thoughts are very real, tangible things. Thoughts literally create waves! When we think, we create certain vibrations. The universe itself is composed of various levels of vibrations. What we think affects the vibration of the entire universe - all with a "mere" thought!


There is a fine story of a poor old lady who was selling some fruit she had gathered in order to make ends meet.


Have you ever noticed that you have the power to control time? In fact, you are doing it right now. "That can't be true", I hear you say, "Time is shared by everyone, so if one person controlled it then everyone else would notice time speeding up or down! There would be conflicting influences on time happening from many different people, so it wouldn't be possible!" This logic makes sense based on the idea that time is a shared reality between all human beings and something that is unchangeable.

Triumph of Love

Long ago within the Ocean of Frungali there was born a baby whale who was named Prem. He was an exceptionally intelligent child, and indeed his parents were very proud of him. When all his friends swam into the ocean depth to play, he would go on his own exploring the beauties of the ocean. There he would meet many different species. He realized that each one of them had different personalities and acted in different ways. He made friends with many different creatures of the sea, but none of them would ever play together before their elders because if their friendship was ever to be revealed the creature would be ostracized.


Driving forward motion
The fire burns away
All that is not God
And illuminates the way
In this eternal moment
Time does stand still
I am in alignment
With the one and only will

Opening my petals
Spreading my wings
Not even thinking
About what this brings
The fire burns within
My eyes glare bright
No longer any darkness
For I am filled with light

The path lay before me
I walk it unafraid
All lack is illusion
Whole as I was made
Nothing else exists
But focus of steel
Doing what is right
Doing what is real

V01 the Green Bay Packers

Today, Sunday January 20, 2008 I awoke at 5AM to begin making all sorts of vegan delights for 7 hours of football viewing. Seldom do we watch any television, but today is an exception. My brother Kevin will be here for most of the day to watch The Green Bay Packers in a championship play off game, which we will hopefully win so that we can proceed to the Super bowl. Brett Favre, who is probably the most well known quarter back around, was going to retire last year, but in the hopes of acquiring Randy Moss, a wide receiver from Minnesota he decided to stick around for another year. He signed a contract for this year and alas we didn't accept Moss, most likely because of his mooning our fans at Lambeau Field a couple of years ago. Favre was beside himself, but begrudgingly began another season with mostly rookies. Lo and Behold for the love of Brett the rookies aspired to play as well as many seasoned veterans. So here we are playing today to advance to the Super Bowl.

V03 of Mice and Bread

Every Monday morning I look forward to stopping at BreadSmith, our local bakery, on my way to work. Walking into the aroma of fresh baked bread and hearing the laughter and chatter of the employees has always been a welcomed joy for me. Today, however proved to be a rather negative experience. All of the employees know that I am vegan so they offer me samples of vegan breads as well as muffins or scones. A woman whom I like quite a bit offered me a new type of bread that had chips in it stating how delicious it was. Another employee jumped into the conversation telling me that they weren't non-dairy chips so I would most likely not want to sample the bread. I thanked her and then she asked me specifically what the difference was between a vegetarian and a vegan. As I proceeded to explain the difference to her the manager walked out onto the floor and spoke loudly as she was exiting "Are we talking about vegetarianism again"? Then she said "Well I'm a proud carnivore". I had so many thoughts run through my mind I didn't know how to respond so I said "just what part of the suffering of animals makes you most proud"? Her response "All of it"! She then left the store as a coward would normally do. I wanted to tell her that she should go vegan for 30 days to try to lose the extra 100 pounds she carries around and if she didn't feel better we would gladly refund her misery, but she was gone and I was left feeling sick at the encounter.

What Is Compassion

We examine the meaning of Compassion and find that:

The need for a complete understanding of compassion arises out of the following facts. People are mostly very indifferent to the plight of animals. But some are not. What is the difference between these two classes of people. It is that the indifferent people lack compassion for animals and the others have compassion for animals. Animal exploitation will persist until the balance shifts and compassion comes to predominate.

Winter of the Soul

Pieces die off that are no longer needed
Tears of revelation cleanse my soul
Release aspects with which I once pleaded
As they wither away I let them go

Things become barer and more plain
But the chill that winter is thought to have
Remains outside the window of my perception
As I'm warmed by the fire with reason to be glad

Branches are snapping but beneath the earth
Roots are deepening and spreading
The snow outside is a stunning landscape
A mirror of where I am heading

Zen Comics

Truly an excellent way to encounter zen, these cartoons present many of the koans delightfully!