Towards Freedom

Information, Inspiration, Imagination
truly a site for soaring Is



We explore the capabilities of various aibots in several areas of interest such as writing, drawing, analysis, summarization, and interactions.

Alfa Romeo Victoria


Alfa Romeo Victoria is the most outstanding auto dealership that we have ever gone to! Their level of service is beyond anything we have experienced over many decades!

Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society

TheAnimal Defense & Anti-Vivisection Society of British Columbia (ADAV), established by a veterinary surgeon in 1927, is a peaceful, grassroots organization committed to the abolition of vivisection on moral, ethical and scientific grounds.

The ADAV Society strives to inform the public of the grim realities faced by animals used in experiments, promote the use of superior and more humane non-animal alternatives, and alert the public to the proven invalidity of basing human medicine and toxicology on other species.

Animal Guardianship

About 3 times a year I send money to different dog and cat rescue groups to pull dogs and cats from high kill shelters, especially those who are still gassing former pets to death. It's pretty awful to see these once beloved animals turned over to shelters for such frivolous excuses as: "we just had a baby and don't have time to care for our cat", or "we are now working longer hours and it is a shame to crate our poor dog all day long". The list of reasons for dumping pets is endless.

Animal Justice

Animal Justice is in our opinion the best thing that's happened to animal rights in Canada! They are making sure that animals have a legal voice with a team of lawyers and advocates.


This is our distribution of choice! It works well, uses a rolling release update and has an very helpful community!

You've reached the website for Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.

Currently we have official packages optimized for the x86-64 architecture. We complement our official package sets with a community-operated package repository that grows in size and quality each and every day.

Archlinux Forum

This is the archlinux forum where you will find really helpful people who can pretty well solve any issue you may have with the operating system. It is a comprehensive forum with many sections such as:

  • Newbie Corner
  • Installation
  • Kernel & Hardware
  • Applications & Desktop Environments
  • Networking, Server, and Protection
  • Multimedia and Games

Go to the forum.


Denis is the owner of Bee Busy Gutters and his speciality is gutter installation. He also has more than a decade's worth of roofing experience.


Are you a lover of books? Are you a parent looking for book recommendations for your young child or teenager? If so, you've come to the right place! LouAnne Taylor has put together a wonderful website for children and parents alike, to find age appropriate books and learning about the importance of literacy …

Catzenjammer of the Vegan Kind

(Image generated by Microsoft Designer.)

This article deals with confusion and distress that can materialize for humans who put cats on vegan diets.


More to come eventually, but start with going to the VeggieChess site.

Claire Smith

Claire Smith is one of those exceptional individuals who changes the world! She is experienced in finance and investing and has chosen to apply her abilities to the vegan cause!

Here is a series of items taken from Allen Lee's fine article 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Claire Smith posted on MoneyInc:


Claire created Beyond Investing "a vegan and cruelty-free investment platform providing access to investment products which adhere to vegan principles and accelerate our transition to a kinder, cleaner, and healthier world."

David Sztybel

Dr. David Sztybel chose to specialize in animal rights as a philosopher at a time when the movement was in its growing stages. His work has been powerful and influential as his site will show:

Dr. David Sztybel

There is substantial material for the general public as well as academia. Additionally, you'll find links to media appearances and talks.

(Be sure to also check out his blog that is linked at the bottom of each page on his website.)

Dhaku Singu

Dhaka has been singing since 2015. At the end of this page, we list her rehearsals and performances.

Digital Dexterity

You want to get good on the internet so you can get things done effectively and efficiently. This article will show you how.

Disruptive Technologies

We present various aspects of technology that will disrupt the status quo.
Last Updated: <2022-02-28 Mon>


The scientific study of animal behavior in the natural habitat is known as ethology. Though initially thought to be restricted to non-human beings primarily due to the works of Tinbergen and Lorenz from the 1920s, it can be quite inclusive of humans as well, some of whom tend behave more 'like animals' than any animal ever has. Removing the animal-human barrier is one of the most intelligent actions any human can take, for doing so permits the recognition and merging of the best qualities of all species.

Fallacy in Animal Rights Discussions

Fallacious argumentations in animal rights and vegan discussions are identified according to the rules of logic. This guide exposes standard logical fallacies that repeatedly appear and demonstrates their invalidity.


Faunalytics conducts and disseminates research that is "actionable and insightful" on important topics in animal protection.

Fireworks Frustration

The Fireworks Frustration site addresses issues resulting from fireworks discharge. Though the content is largely focused on the CVRD (Cowichan Valley Regional District, British Columbia, Canada), the ideas are applicable to any community which regards fireworks displays at best, a nuisance or at worst, a hazard.

Hacking the Fireworks Firewall

Fireworks are a severe problem for many: wildlife, farm animals, pets, people with PTSD and anxiety. They are seen by some as a traditional and/or cultural means of celebration. Hence, jurisdictions often allow such activities which are a blatant abuse of an individual's basic rights.

Helpful Alliances

This section lists actual and potential alliances with groups, organizations and individuals who want to end fireworks displays. There is strength in numbers and working together we can achieve the goal we all seek.

Holistic Education

Learning is an important fabric of who we are and what we are able to become. The process of leaning has the ability to change the world- for better or for worse.

Throughout history many great thinkers have commented on this subject and have ideas and learning techniques which if applied on a mass scale would revolutionize our educational system as we know it.

The following are thoughts and ideas each individual has contributed to the field of education.

Honey Sheperd

Honey Sheperd (1957-2006) wrote several songs and poems that we hope to make others aware of. You can find out more here and from there go to her website Thru Bambis Eyes which has mp3s of Honey performing.

Honey Sheperd

Honey Sheperd (1957-2006) was an actress who starred in the movies Club Life and It Came from Hollywood. She has a page on AncientFaces.

A talented songwriter and singer, her work still helps those who "suffer unseen" in many ways.

We were fortunate to be able to create a website for her intense words and strong music that cover a wide range of topics and events. Her work is poignant yet inspiring.

Internet Discussion Strategies

The following article (taken from the ESA website) provides large number of ideas and insights into animal rights (AR) discussions on internet forums which are useful for both the beginner as well as the experienced communicator. While the items here are not directly related to writing eletters, they may help individuals engaged in general discussions both on and off the net (and not just in the area of animal rights).

Introduction to Logic

This book introduces the fundamental methods and techniques of correct reasoning, in a manner that shows the relevance of the topics to readers everyday lives.

Investors Edge

The sitemap of Investor's Edge is presented with explanations for each section.


More to come, as we welcome new contributions.

Jonathan Balcombe

Jonathan Balcombe holds three biology degrees and specializes in the study of ethology with a PhD in this area of study. A leading animal behavior researcher he is also an author and speaker.

Below are excerpts from Alexandra's excellent article about Jonathan:

"It's easy to come away with a sense that it's a hard-struggled life out there, but it's a life worth living," observes Dr. Balcombe. He has found that many species share related physiologies and behavior patterns as humans, and are thus able to feel such emotions as pain, pleasure, and passion.

Jonathan the Seagull

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a novel by Richard Bach, is a much-loved classic that has touched the hearts of many. A tale of courage, truth and love, this eloquently written story is a rich and vibrant literary work. This book centers on the character development of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, who changes from a quiet and timid young seagull to an enlightened, brave and courageous being.

The story begins with Jonathan as a lonesome seagull wants to transcend the boring world of eating, mating and sleeping that most gulls live in order to survive. But he did not want to just survive, he wants to transcend all barriers and go beyond the limits of being a seagull.


The story of our encounter with a 1981 AMC Eagle!

Kyron Recitals

Kyron, a versatile baritone, has appeared with various groups such as Fretwork, the Victoria Baroque Players, Victoria Philharmonic Choir, Victoria Children’s Choir, and the Christ Church choir. He holds an BMus and MA in Musicology with Performance from the University of Victoria and teaches on the faculties of UVic and the Victoria Conservatory of Music.


This section contains various acts and guidelines that regulate fireworks discharge for specific localities.


LilyPond is a free program that lets you create beautiful sheet music for all kinds of music, from classical to modern, just like for piano or guitar.

Marc Bekoff

Marc Bekoff is Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. An internationally prominent lecturer on animal behavior, cognitive ethology and behavioral ecology, Marc has contributed immensely to these fields via original papers, books and even videos. Additionally, he was a competitive cyclist winning the Tour du Haut Var for his age group in 1986!

This is a link to his website.


Various media related to fireworks will be gathered here. The items will contain quoted excerpts in italics. Any editorial commentary will be shown inside [].

Michael Greger

Dr. Michael Greger is a major catalyst for the vegan movement!

Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, is a physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on a number of important public health issues. All proceeds from his speaking engagements and the sale of his books and DVDs are donated to charity. His 501(c)3 nonprofit is the first science-based, non-commercial website to provide free daily videos and articles on the latest discoveries in nutrition.


Musescore4 is the most highly rated software for creating notation. It is pretty close to even Lilypond, but offers considerably greater flexibility. A nice bonus is that you can export to musicxml and then use Lilypond's musicxml2ly (-l english)script to convert!

My Brush With Municipal Politics

I have left out names to protect the innocent?—or was that the guilty?

My initial introduction to municipal politics was the result of my friendship with a former president of our local clay court tennis club. This gentleman was very active, as a volunteer, on a number of community committees, including a regional committee on race relations. He suggested that I should become more aware of the issues that faced our community, including somewhat grandiose plans for the redevelopment of our surrounding area.

Negative Preference Morality

The Golden Rule is the only moral principle that grounds itself in objective observation. The primary three systems of normative ethics: deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics, all share the common failure to conclusively answer the question "Why should I care?" when they make claims of how individuals ought to behave. The Golden Rule, however, does not even ask that we care about the principle at all, it simply explains that when we act in a manner toward others that is inconsistent with how we would like to be treated, then we are being hypocritical and unfair. This replaces opinion with fact, so that the desires of individuals cannot be held above it. However, the Golden Rule does have some loopholes that ought to be addressed in order to form a more solid basis for morality.

Pictures From Mystics

A beautiful collection of short stories cross religions and cultures told by Swami Vaswani that often show the way to living properly. It is from the East and West Series.


We used to live near the water when we moved in 1995 to Duncan, BC on Khenipsen Road, beside a First Nations area. It was a very nice place, except for the hunting and fishing that took place there.


This is the official (albeit still incomplete) pradictionary which contains all things related to prad. If anything useful has been overlooked, please point out the omission.


Prathora of praticulars that pramarily praccupy prad and prabably no one else. Prasevere at your own jeaprady!


This is an ever-growing list of quotations attributed to various individuals throughout history.


These are zenish short stories merrily modified from various sources such as:

Presenting to Politicians

In order to ban fireworks, citizens need to educate and convince their politicians. The information here details the process for presenting to various municipalties at council meetings.

Problems and Solutions

Specific problems such as pollution and health issues are presented followed by some solutions.

Progressive Non-Animal Research Society

Scientists now have sophisticated, human-appropos methodologies for studying diseases such as

  • advanced computer-modeling techniques
  • micro-dosing
  • stem cell-derived organoids
  • 3D printing
  • manifold emerging approaches

Advances in technology allow us finding ways to improve health care without inflicting harm on animals.

The Progressive Non-Animal Research Society (PNARS) is an excellent and comprehensive resource for the biomedical community. It provides leading edge breakthroughs in technologies and treatments.

Recent Updates:

PNARS Report: Environmental Impacts of Animal Experimentation


The Rabbitats Rescue Society houses abandoned domestic rabbits in indoor and outdoor habitats.

Radical Zen

An intriguing book with many items about and attributed to Joshu.


Here are some resources that may be of use for those actively seeking to stop fireworks frustration.


Rosegarden is a music composition and editing environment based around a MIDI sequencer that features a rich understanding of music notation and includes basic support for digital audio. Most important, it can produce lilypond files.



A long winding adventure that tells the tale of how a 2024 Fiat 500e became the Kyron's first car.

Sidney Island Deer

In 2023 Parks Canada decided to slaughter all deer on Sidney Island British Columbia. This page provides information, resources, and updates on what is an unethical process on many levels. Sign the petition to Save the Sidney Island deer. The page is still in construction.



Jumping spiders may be the most easily identified with family of spiders. They're insatiably curious critters and smart too! Unlike many spiders, when you approach a jumper in a non-threatening way, you're likely to find yourself staring into a pair of inquisitive, if suspicious eyes. Jumpers have exceptional eyesight and are thus visually aware of the world around them, much as we are.

Friendly jumper #1

I first noticed this spider in the rabbit room sometime in early December. She had a habit of crawling around on the ceiling and sometimes on the door to the outside. I suspect she came in during the summer and got "stranded" inside. It may have saved her life - I believe the adults die off during the winter.


Personal experiences with fireworks and those discharging them will be collected here. These can include not only bad experiences, but also ones on how a community stopped fireworks displays.


Aspects of technology, particularly disruptive ones, will be detailed in this section.

The Poor Rich Girl

Buddha asked his disciples to help the poor during a great famine. A very wealthy man spoke up, "Not all my wealth can feed the hungry - there are so many!"

The Stone

Nanak was a travelling guru. He visited many places in India, Arabia and Mesopotamia.


There is a fine story of a poor old lady who was selling some fruit she had gathered in order to make ends meet.


Some trading areas (forex, stocks, etc), and resources (Investopedia, Investor's Edge, Yahoo, etc) are examined here. There are links to articles, websites, videos, and ideas. Most image content and some text (credited appropriately) were generated by the Bing AI (and friends), while summaries are sometimes provided by Harpa AI.

There are no tips, strategies, or recommendations other than the delightfully self-referential pradage:

"Trust no one, including this one!"


This is an excellent business which provides a variety of high-quality vegan pet foods such as Ami, Benevo, Vegepet, Evolution, Gourmet …

Vegan Cat Videos

Hey folks, here are a few I've recently done in the hopes of alleviating common concerns regarding feeding a cruelty-free, speciesism-free diet to our obligate carnivore friends. No reason to make the pigs and chickens pay for a problem that humans created, and the cats can be healthy and thrive while we're at it! Never before have we been able to "have our cake and eat it too." There are over 150 million cats in America alone (including strays) which makes it the single most numerous mammalian predator species on the continent. Letting cats hunt for themselves is devastating to local ecosystems, and enslaving billions of chickens, pigs, etc to feed them is just making the problem worse (hey, we created a hundred million cats, now we have to enslave a billion pigs and kill them just to keep all these cats alive! herp derp).


The VeganHacktivists "build data-driven, disruptive, and innovative projects to help see an end to animal exploitation".


The VeggieChess site was created in 2004 for the veggiechess group on and that group is still likely in existence. Here is the link to VeggieChess.


A browser that is powerful, personal and private, adapting to you, not the other way around.

What Is Compassion

We examine the meaning of Compassion and find that:

The need for a complete understanding of compassion arises out of the following facts. People are mostly very indifferent to the plight of animals. But some are not. What is the difference between these two classes of people. It is that the indifferent people lack compassion for animals and the others have compassion for animals. Animal exploitation will persist until the balance shifts and compassion comes to predominate.


Yahoo Finance is primarily a financial news and data aggregator. It also offers stock quotes, market data such as analyst reports, as well as portfolio management resources. It is suitable for financial professionals and individuals looking to manage portfolios and get insights into stock quotes and market data.

Zen Comics

Truly an excellent way to encounter zen, these cartoons present many of the koans delightfully!