A light at the end of the tunnel
by Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson
how one person overcame a lifetime of ill health and lost 60 lbs in 3 months effortlessly
The Jesus Diet
by Rev. Abba Nazariah
A massive document in three parts on The Jesus Diet, Essene Fruitarianism as a dietary practice today, reprinted through the kindness of the worldwide head of the Essene Church of Jesus Christ.
Healthy Eating Healthy Living
by Wes Peterson
An simple and informative article on important issues dealing with raw foods, fasting and faith.
Cooked Food Effects
by Wes Peterson
Several useful and documented pieces of information on the dangers of cooked foods.
Meditating Simply
by prad
A simple easy-to-use approach to meditation.
Time Management Essentials
by prad
Managing your time has a lot to do with figuring out who you are.
Taking the Pressure Off Your Body
by Robert Rickover
An informative article on the Alexander Technique
A Stiffnecked People
by Robert Rickover
All about the importance of your neck.
True Health Freedom
by Dr. Robert Sniadach
A large and thorough document describing Natural Hygiene and other non-intrusive approaches to health.
The Ideal Diet
by Tasha
Simple guidelines for a sensible fruitarian diet from T.C. Fry.
What is a Vaccine
by Tasha
A no-nonsense look at the very real dangers of vaccination
Alternative Healing...What Nobody Understands
by Dr. Bernarr Zovluck
An uncompromising statement about the benefits of Natural Hygiene, reprinted thanks to the kindness of the author.
How to lose all the weight you want and keep it off always
by Dr. Bernarr Zovluck
The proper way to remove unwanted bulk through sensible nutrition and lifestyle.
How Loving Touch Heals
by Dr. Bernarr Zovluck
A enlightening gem on healing through touch.
Juice Recipes from Big George
by George Zuwala
Some great juice recipies from Big George.
Raw Recipes from Big George
by George Zuwala
Remarkable raw recipes from Big George.
How To Purchase Fruit
by George Zuwala
Here are some common sense tips on buying fruit which accounts for a primary part of the raw diet.
Mental Diet
by George Zuwala
Great suggestions that are literally food for thought - this is the way to nourish your mind!
How much does that Bag of Potato Chips Cost?
by George Zuwala
A look at the real price behind the apparent cost of things.
by George Zuwala
Simple, but possibly the only solutions to eliminating stress.
Raw Lifestyle Transition
by George Zuwala
Thoughts on how to handle potential problems when changing over to a raw diet.
Holistic Education
by Sangeeta Kumar
Thoughts about education from some of the greatest contributors of the past
and present.
Pesticides and Our Crops
by George Zuwala
Information compiled by the Environment Working Group from FDA and EPA sources on pesticide levels in common crops
by et
A disturbing and personal experience from the frontlines of protest.
A long long time
by et
Observations on why injustice and oppression will always continue unless ...
Animal Rights and Wrongs
by Sangeeta Kumar
A thoughtful and thought-provoking essay on our interaction with animals.
Vivisection Science or Insanity
by Sangeeta Kumar
A look at the sense and insensibility behind using animals for scientific research.
The Myth of the American Dream
by Sangeeta Kumar
Revelation of some realities behind the American Dream.
Environmental Racism
by Sangeeta Kumar
Racism rears its ugly head in many ways including the creation of environmental ghettos.
Whales and Turkeys - A Personal Observation
by Trevor Murdock
A short, but thought-provoking article on animal cruelty and consumer choices.
How Could You
by Jim Willis
A poignant story about a dog headed for the animal shelter from the dog's perspective.