The dictionary of prad.
WHERNTO: notions operate

This is the official (albeit still incomplete) pradictionary which contains all things related to prad. If anything useful has been overlooked, please point out the omission.
- apradpriate (credit angel)
- aprardle (credit angel)
- arthoprad
- darthprader (credit angel)
- epradicate (credit david)
- impradable: unlikely
- inpradible: difficult to believe or comprehend
- impradster: there is only one prad!
- jeoprady: risk one takes when encountering prad
- lilyprad (credit angel)
- lonewolf mcprade: i work alone
- noteprad (credit angel)
- orthoprad: have no idea what this could mean yet
- peppradmint (credit angel)
- pra (credit angel)
- prabbreviate - minimal documentation resulting in cryptic communication
- prachiavellian - skilled in appropriately unscrupulous tactics
- pracrastinate
- pracreation: creation a la prad
- practivation (credit angel)
- pradad (credit angel)
- pradaemon
- pradagio: praductions composer/lyricist with pradanini, pravorati, praderewski, pratigorsky
- pradagogy (credit kyron)
- pradagon: as in paragon?
- pradagonist: protagonist in accordance with prad
- pradagony: infliction by or affliction of prad
- pradameters (credit angel)
- pradance (credit angel)
- pradapple (credit angel)
- pradaptable
- pradaptation: an adaptation by or to prad
- pradarth: to the darkside
- pradata
- pradation
- pradator
- pradbury's banana chutney (credit angel)
- pradcasts (credit angel)
- pradcticing (credit angel)
- praddictive
- praddington bear (credit angel)
- praddition (credit angel)
- praddle (credit angel)
- praddling (credit david)
- pradeal: idealism that is also pradtical
- pradeal: pricing we should strive for
- pradealer
- pradebate
- pradegy: tragic non-pradish state
- pradelay
- pradelete
- pradeley: a sequence of pradagio compositions
- pradeli: a vegan delicatessent with healthy victuals
- pradelicious
- pradeliction
- pradelightful (credit miriam)
- prademon
- prademonena
- prademonstration
- pradendipity
- pradenomenon
- pradepot: a headquarter or haven
- prader: one who engages in trading
- pradercise: a form of exercise
- pradernize: update to prad standards
- pradeserve: reserve for those who deserve
- pradesigner: various design including pragramming
- pradessential
- pradestal: a suitable pedestal
- pradestination: a desired outcome or location
- pradestine: sneaky like prad
- pradestroyer
- pradestruction
- pradevil(ish)
- pradformance (credit angel)
- pradharma
- pradhere: stick to task
- pradi: may the force be …
- pradeal: efficient purchasing
- pradealist: one with incomparable ideals
- pradialect
- pradialectic
- pradialectric
- pradiance
- pradiant
- pradiarism (credit david)
- pradiary
- pradiations
- pradiator
- pradibberish
- pradical (credit david)
- pradicament
- pradicate
- pradictation
- pradiction
- pradiculous
- pradigal (credit angel)
- pradigious (unintended miriam credit)
- pradigy: a particularly advanced prad
- pradilection
- pradiminish
- pradimple
- pradirection
- pradirective
- pradiscern
- pradiscretion
- pradiscussion
- pradishes
- pradism: what is brought on to others by pradistic action
- pradisrupt
- pradissection
- pradistance
- pradistant
- pradistic: one who enjoys what is brought onto others by pradism
- pradistics: logistics properly carried out
- pradistinction
- praditate
- pradition (credit angel)
- praditraitor
- praditto
- pradivisible
- pradize: give something pradistinction
- pradjucate: correct judgement is important
- pradjustment (credit markus)
- pradlete
- pradlindrone (credit kyron)
- pradlock (credit angel)
- pradlog (credit angel)
- pradmin
- pradminister
- pradmission
- pradmonition (credit angel)
- pradmunitions (credit kyron)
- pradnastycator: to be nasty in a pradish way
- pradness: multiple possibilities with this one
- prado
- pradocumentation (credit angel)
- pradogma
- pradolf
- pradolution
- pradon (credit angel)
- pradonable
- pradopia
- pradorable
- pradoracle
- pradoyen (credit miriam)
- pradpaya (credit angel)
- pradragon
- pradragon flight: a variant of the hindu squat
- pradriot (credit angel)
- pradroid
- pradsimmon (credit angel)
- praducate
- praduct
- praduction (credit angel): productions by pradagio
- pradulation (credit angel)
- pradulations
- pradusa: who can turn others to stone
- pradvent
- pradventure(r)
- pradvertise(ment)
- pradvice
- pradvisement
- pradvocate: speak on behalf of
- pradvocative (credit angel)
- pradypus
- prafer: a typically sensible preference
- pragenda
- pragerize: intellectual theft of prad creations
- pragnacious: the pugilistic quality of prad
- pragram: program a la prad
- prajection (credit angel)
- prajects (credit angel)
- prajudice (credit angel)
- pralific
- pramongous
- pramonition: advanced insight into things
- pramordial
- prampathy (credit fuzzball markus)
- pranctuary: a safe haven
- pranktuary: a not-so-safe haven
- pranipulate: a la prad manipulation
- pranormous
- praority
- prarauder: a roving pradestroyer
- prarganize: organize with simplistic complexity
- praoud (credit angel)
- prardon (credit angel)
- prardsley (credit angel)
- prardsnip (credit angel)
- prarma: karma a la prad
- prasidential
- prassionfruit (credit angel)
- pratend (credit markus)
- prational: typically pradlike reasoning
- pratorial: a tutorial by prad
- pratorical: a rhetorical question by prad
- pravocado (credit angel)
- praware
- pravider
- prazard: as in hazard
- prizzard (credit angel - though unclear what it is)
- repradmand (credit angel)
- sheprard (credit angel)
- sleeprard (credit angel)
- tempradlate (credit angel)