Towards Freedom

Information, Inspiration, Imagination
truly a site for soaring Is


a figment of his own imagination

image of Prad

we are all figments of our own imagination.

that is why it is a good idea to cultivate that imagination. without imagination, we become trapped by knowledge and become intellectual casualties. imagination sparks within us adventure, courage, vision and compassion.

"i imagine, therefore i evolve!" (… or at the very least, i imagine i evolve)

some of my chronology:

  • 1952/10/27 (apparently) arrives on planet earth
  • upto 1968 exists as introvert in many forms (and generally continues to do so)
  • 1969 encounters thomas henry huxley, mr. spock, don quixote (man of la mancha) who are to have profound influence on subsequent existence
  • 1971 makes racket playing badminton and tennis
  • 1972 becomes lacto-ovo vegetarian
  • 1973 reads aldous huxley's island and sees possibilities not visualized before
  • 1977 starts teaching career in high school which lasts for 18 years and encompasses physics, math, special education, computer science (some students still serving long detentions)
  • 1982 tries to send student to serve as proxy for marriage, but is unsuccessful and is forced to go himself
  • 1987 arrival of first child, pericles, who causes hectic household to settle down and think of things that really are important
  • 1989/10/29 birth of son, kyron: humbly accepts standing ovation from students at school for achievement two days later
  • 1990 becomes strict vegetarian after going to local earthsave presentation
  • 1990/10/09 pericles flies away out the door. we search for him in vain for months. where are you my friend, or do you sit silently on my shoulder all these years?
  • 1995 we all move to vancouver island in british columbia.
  • 1996 towards freedom is created
  • 1997 receives new teaching assignment when kyron chooses to home school till he is 20
  • 1999 -? preparing to add more to this chronology

what I like to do to those who let me:

  • tutor math, physics, computer science
  • assist in changing diets, habits and lifestyles
  • develop into existence worthwhile visions we all have

the rest is left to the imagination …

A Chess Story

This story was initially conceived by Sangeeta as a present for a friend (who never got around to seeing it), but was written largely by prad many years ago. Sangeeta will be illustrating it sometime in the next several decades. If you know your chess or your life, you are welcome to play it out.

A Way to Rama

There was once a very evil robber who had committed atrocities galore. He had come to the realization that he was in big trouble with a large account of bad karma due to his egocentric activities.

Buddha and the Limping Lamb

There are many stories told about Buddha the Compassionate One. They carry the eternal message with a simplicity that any child can understand. Here is one of those gems.

Catzenjammer of the Vegan Kind

(Image generated by Microsoft Designer.)

This article deals with confusion and distress that can materialize for humans who put cats on vegan diets.

Cosmic Soulmates

While I tend to be agnostic, there are many aspects of various religions I admire, a viewpoint which permits one to not hold arrogant perspectives like 'my religion is better than yours'.

Cup of Tea

A prominent western philosopher had come to Japan to study with a zen master through an exchange program. The two of them sat down for a traditional tea.

Digital Dexterity

You want to get good on the internet so you can get things done effectively and efficiently. This article will show you how.

Dogs in Heaven

There is a very beautiful story from the Hindu mythology's Mahabharata that provides an insight to the meaning of our existence.

Fallacy in Animal Rights Discussions

Fallacious argumentations in animal rights and vegan discussions are identified according to the rules of logic. This guide exposes standard logical fallacies that repeatedly appear and demonstrates their invalidity.

Food Combining Simplified

This article summarizes some food combining principles from chapter 26 of Shelton's book The Science and Fine Art of Food and Nutrition. Shelton advocated strict vegetarianism (also known as dietary vegan) as well as eating foods in their natural raw state.

For Men Only

This article will be of no interest to women and children so they needn't read any further. This is a masculine issue that we do not usually wish to discuss openly. It is an awkward matter and appears unavoidable once we reach a certain age.

Going and Coming Back

This is a story we often tell to those who feel they have suffered a loss of a loved one of any species.

Hacking the Fireworks Firewall

Fireworks are a severe problem for many: wildlife, farm animals, pets, people with PTSD and anxiety. They are seen by some as a traditional and/or cultural means of celebration. Hence, jurisdictions often allow such activities which are a blatant abuse of an individual's basic rights.

Importance of Improvement

People sometimes get into a tizzy about whether to help others or help themselves. There is no need to see the issue as an either-or.

Internet Discussion Strategies

The following article (taken from the ESA website) provides large number of ideas and insights into animal rights (AR) discussions on internet forums which are useful for both the beginner as well as the experienced communicator. While the items here are not directly related to writing eletters, they may help individuals engaged in general discussions both on and off the net (and not just in the area of animal rights).

Jewel in the Dust

A man and his wife having lived into their old age chose to leave behind their worldly possessions and follow the path of spirituality. They lived in the cleanliness of poverty filling their days with praying instead of preying.


The story of our encounter with a 1981 AMC Eagle!

Magnificent 7

Here are 7 words to contemplate as you travel through your life.

Meditating Simply

Meditation is a real chance for you to connect with yourself. Most of us go through life knowing the person we spend the most time with, the least.

Narad to Nirvana

There is an ancient Hindu story about the messenger Narad who used to travel between heaven and earth to maintain 'communications' so to speak. On one such trip to heaven, he happened to go past two yogis practising in an effort to prepare for Nirvana. Each asked Narad to find out how long he would have to wait.

Natural = Good ?

Some well-intentioned people create arguments by equating the concept of natural with the concept of good. I say they are well-intentioned because it is by no means done out of malice or prospects of winning debate points. However, the equation is not valid. In fact, within philosophical circles it is known as the 'appeal to nature' fallacy.

Not a Spoonful of Sugar

Gandhi's "become the change you wish to see in the world" is unfortunately one of those horribly misapplied items that is circulated with wild abandonment by some people who feel they've suddenly been struck with enlightenment. The idea nevertheless is a good one provided one understands what it really means and where the phrase really has relevance. Below is one such instance.

P Equals M C Snared

This work came about as a result of having to defend two venomous onslaughts on the nobility of physics. Unfortunately, certain people don't seem to realize the universality of this simple truth - physics is everything! The word physics means the knowledge of nature and nature is all encompassing.

Paper Folding for the Practical Person

The process of folding paper is a rewarding one since it provides an opportunity to exercise one's creativity within strict outcomes. Furthermore, the finished product of this activity has various utilitarian applications as will be illustrated in the second part of this article.


We used to live near the water when we moved in 1995 to Duncan, BC on Khenipsen Road, beside a First Nations area. It was a very nice place, except for the hunting and fishing that took place there.



A long winding adventure that tells the tale of how a 2024 Fiat 500e became the Kyron's first car.

Sidney Island Deer

In 2023 Parks Canada decided to slaughter all deer on Sidney Island British Columbia. This page provides information, resources, and updates on what is an unethical process on many levels. Sign the petition to Save the Sidney Island deer. The page is still in construction.

The Battle

We revisit the famous conversation between a warrior and his charioteer before the battle of Kurukshetra.

The Loincloth

There is a delightful story told by Sri Ramakrishna about a man who chose to become a sadhu (a holy man who relinquishes worldly possessions and takes a vow of chastity).

The Mahut God

Once there was a holy man who had many disciples. He taught them well and revealed how God is in all things.

The Poor Rich Girl

Buddha asked his disciples to help the poor during a great famine. A very wealthy man spoke up, "Not all my wealth can feed the hungry - there are so many!"

The Rosebush

A rosebush can show the many opportunities one can pursue, if one stays honest and aware.

The Stone

Nanak was a travelling guru. He visited many places in India, Arabia and Mesopotamia.

The Wallet

My mother related this story to me about my grandfather. She lived in his household as was often customary with East Indian families in the 1900s. These extended families were usually quite closely knit and often mutually supportive. My mother adored her father-in-law and it was through her that I found out about his character.


There is a fine story of a poor old lady who was selling some fruit she had gathered in order to make ends meet.