WHERNTO: wellnes erudite operate

Hey folks, here are a few I've recently done in the hopes of alleviating common concerns regarding feeding a cruelty-free, speciesism-free diet to our obligate carnivore friends. No reason to make the pigs and chickens pay for a problem that humans created, and the cats can be healthy and thrive while we're at it! Never before have we been able to "have our cake and eat it too." There are over 150 million cats in America alone (including strays) which makes it the single most numerous mammalian predator species on the continent. Letting cats hunt for themselves is devastating to local ecosystems, and enslaving billions of chickens, pigs, etc to feed them is just making the problem worse (hey, we created a hundred million cats, now we have to enslave a billion pigs and kill them just to keep all these cats alive! herp derp).
Why should you test your cat's urinary pH: The importance of testing your cat's urinary pH on a plant-based (or ANY) diet, and an easy way to do it. Also, what to do if your cat's urinary pH is too high/alkaline.
[Note: other videos are presently unavailable.]