WHERNTO: notions

Why does showering make people sing?
Is it a biological or habitual thing?
When the water starts cascading down
Some start to make all kinds of sounds!
Get thoroughly wet and lather the soap
No room for rubber ducky or a sailor's boat
Just a waterproof radio and a bottle or two
And in the corner possibly some mildew
A quick wash and go can refresh one nicely
Or a long luxurious waterfall relaxes enticingly
Some additional shaving may also take place
Or an exotic salt scrub upon the body and face
Showers are versatile in the uses that they have
And they loyally await as you sit on the lav
Among some of the purposes that they serve
Is to rejuvenate the weary or calm the nerves
In cold weather they can warm us up real quick
Or in hot weather they can cool us down a trick
But most of all they keep us clean, fresh and hygienic
Contributing greatly to our appearance being scenic!