WHERNTO: righton operate

Animal Justice is in our opinion the best thing that's happened to animal rights in Canada! They are making sure that animals have a legal voice with a team of lawyers and advocates.
Animal Justice's mission statement from their About-Us page reads:
We believe that animals need lawyers, and our legal team works to protect animals from cruelty and neglect. Canada has some of the worst animal protection laws in the Western world, and our mission is to overhaul the legal system to better reflect our country’s values of compassion and justice for all.
The dedicated people are action-oriented taking to task unscrupulous attempts by animal abusers to cover up their crimes (eg gag laws) and brings offenses to the public eye … and to court!
They hold the important Canadian Animal Law Conference in conjunction with Faculties of Law and even have a student program to prepare the next generation.
An up-to-date blog provides the latest news on animal issues and their free online advocacy training program known as the Animal Justice Academy helps to develop and support those who try to make this world a better place.
Animal Justice furthers what is the most important matter humanity has always and ever faced, that of how we behave towards the vulnerable, for therein lies our species' destiny.