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Personal experiences with fireworks and those discharging them will be collected here. These can include not only bad experiences, but also ones on how a community stopped fireworks displays.
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Definitely do not enjoy the 3 times a year residential areas of the community are available to set off fireworks. I have a 12 year old chocolate lab who seems to have super sonic hearing for the sounds of the fireworks. To see her cuddled into a corner of the room trembling with slobber pouring out of her mouth is heartbreaking. No matter how loud the tv is and the prescriptions I give her do not have any effect on her. This is just my dog , how many other pets , livestock and wildlife are affected by this preventable nonsense. Please help to stop this cruelty to pets livestock and wild animals. CVRD this is now in your hands.
(Bruce, Shawnigan Lake BC)
Almost 2 years ago my best buddy, a beautiful St. Bernard + Great Pyrenees Cross named Kippy came into my life. He took his self- imposed job of guarding me seriously. He adapted to city life, with its ambulance sirens and other noises very well - except for fireworks! It seems that some people in Victoria like to “celebrate” every occasion, from New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, May Day, Canada Day, US Independence Day, parties at the beginning of classes at UVic, Halloween, you name it and for any excuse day, with ear-splitting explosions at irregular intervals. My poor dog is totally traumatized and goes into a psychotic state panting to the point of choking, circling around the room endlessly and uncontrollably for hours, throughout the night and then for days following, despite all the prescription drugs and calming treats that might knock him out for short periods. That means that those times are ruined for me too and impact my health.
Maybe it’s a fun thing for some children to be allowed to play with fireworks from the late afternoon onwards before their parents start up later again in the evening, but that is short-sighted. There is no reason a few people should be allowed to spoil celebrations for others. It really does need to be made illegal AND enforced. Are we not civilized?
(Maidie, Victoria BC)
Fireworks is pollution! Particulate pollution, light pollution, and most importantly noise pollution! No one needs this snap crackle pop which is harmful to animal and people.
Stop These Obnoxious Pyrotechnics!
(prad, Shawnigan Lake BC)
Our cat Ophelia has been spooked by fireworks. I've seen her look startled and dart to a hiding spot to stay safe. So I've seen that the stress caused by fireworks is real. And it is unnecessary. This New Year's my husband and I were awakened and couldn't get back to sleep because of the noise of fireworks in our neighborhoods. Many neighbors complained of the same experience.So fireworks can cause really unhealthy disruptions for many.
(Ranjana, Shawnigan Lake BC)
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