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This section lists actual and potential alliances with groups, organizations and individuals who want to end fireworks displays. There is strength in numbers and working together we can achieve the goal we all seek.
Who Should Support Us
Law Enforcement
Firework displays cause many problems that violate more than common decency:
- the noise is a disturbance of the peace (no different than playing loud rock music at 2am)
- the debris is a hazard to public cleanliness (no different than littering)
- the toxins are a danger to public health (no different than dumping chemicals on the street)
- the vandalism is a peril to property (no different than defacing premises)
- the hooligans are a menace to everyone (no different than letting terrorists run rampant)
The above are not merely harmless celebrations. They are illegal acts of violence:
People got stupid with fireworks all over Toronto on Victoria Day
Delta police investigating fireworks-involved assaults after Halloween gathering
They need to be seen exactly as such and not euphemized into oblivion!
Law enforcement would concur. For instance, a letter sent from the Victoria Police Department not only deplores the plight of the community forced to endure this illegal behavior since they have to respond to complaints, the letter also "support the exploration of legislative changes that result in improved community safety and well-being."
The police are on our side on this important issue and we should work with them to bring about change!
Environmental Preservation
There are various environment groups who try to stop damage to our planet and local communities. One area they could be encouraged to take action on is stopping fireworks. There is pollution of various sorts other than just the noise including debris and toxins.
A group that should support the cause is the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA). Their mandate states:
CELA works toward protecting public health and the environment by seeking justice for those harmed by pollution or poor decision-making and by changing policies to prevent problems in the first place. Since 1970, CELA has used legal tools, conducted public legal education, undertaken groundbreaking research, and advocated for increased environmental protection and to safeguard communities … CELA places high priority on cases, public legal education, and law reform work aimed at ensuring safe, healthy, and livable communities.
Dr. Terry Gordon, Professor of Environmental Medicine at NYU certainly thinks that CELA's "Policy Development is appropriate for your ideas [recognizing fireworks to be an environmental hazard] and those ideas have to start somewhere."
Another group that would support banning fireworks would be firefighter associations since they have to deal with the disasters often at the risk of their own lives.
Animal Protection
There are various types of organizations that work to help animals in various ways such as hardcore animal rights defenders, existence improvement welfare institutions, wildlife rescue and rehabilitators, domestic advocates. All these groups should have a common interest to eliminate fireworks.
For instance, the Vancouver Humane Society is sharing Government of Canada petition e-4351 for a fireworks ban encouraging their members to sign it. They also have in their news/blog: 5 reasons to skip fireworks this Halloween & 3 steps to protect animals.
The BCSPCA is a longterm advocate against fireworks exposing the dangers to pets, farm animals, wildlife and people and has provided this letter of support.
The Fur-bearers organization has several articles on keeping animals safe during fireworks displays.
Those who protect animals should be staunch allies in the effort to end fireworks.
Human Safety
Fireworks are dangerous!
Here is an excerpt from a presentation given to the Victoria City Council:
8000 children are injured in North America each year and 20 people will die as a result of fireworks. The Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program states that fireworks injuries are most frequently in males under the age of 19. The risk is highest for children ages 5-14. Most common injuries are burns, followed by head, eye and hand injuries. 65% of all fireworks injuries are to bystanders, and (3/4) of injuries require medical treatment in emergency departments. More than 80% of emergency room fireworks injuries involve fireworks that consumers are permitted to use.
Fireworks are not that different from dynamite and people have actually died through their use.
Here is a List of fireworks accidents and incidents from 1869-2023. Check out these 2 CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission in the USA) 2019 Fireworks Annual Report and 2021 Annual Fireworks Report as examples of the very real nature of the danger!
There are many organizations related to healthcare and safety of adults and children who want an end to these displays.
Fiscal Responsibility
Emergency response, tax dollars spent on police enforcement, healthcare due to injuries sustained, etc etc! It's enough to make any government or business comptroller cringe!
Fireworks cost a lot to begin with with a 3 fold profit margin:
In the 21st century, consumer fireworks revenue slowly and steadily ticked up from $407 million in 2000 to $1 billion in 2019. In a single year, that number nearly doubled to $1.9 billion in 2020 and then jumped to $2.2 billion in 2021.
How Much Do Americans Spend on Fireworks?
However, the eventual cost to society for this expensive 'entertainment' is staggering! Consider the drop of costs associated with Halloween fireworks in Vancouver after the ban was implemented:
Over Halloween weekend in 2020, the service reported a total dollar loss for fireworks-related incidents to $408,000 ... This year, that figure dropped to just $5,500.
Halloween fire costs plunge in Vancouver in first year of firework ban
Insurance companies would no doubt prefer not to deal with the fallout from fireworks:
Given that fireworks caused 19,500 fires in 2018, including 1,900 structure fires and $105 million in direct property damage, claims are a real risk.
Is Firework Damage Covered?
Fireworks are far more expensive that they appear to be and those who have to cover the costs would like to see an end to this damaging practice.
Who Are Supporting Us
If you support this initiative to ban fireworks locally and/or nationally, please send a confirming email to our accepting webmaintainer giving us permission to post your organization's logo here. It will be linked back to your website so people can find out more about your organization, but you are welcome to include a small blurb as well.

The Animal Defence & Anti-Vivisection Society of British Columbia (ADAV), established by a veterinary surgeon in 1927, is a peaceful, grassroots organization committed to the abolition of vivisection on moral, ethical and scientific grounds.

Animal Justice leads the legal fight for animals in Canada. Our lawyers work to pass strong new animal protection laws, push to hold industries accountable for abusing animals, and fight on behalf of animals in court.

Defending Horses, because they can’t defend themselves! The Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) is a registered not-for-profit organization working towards ending horse slaughter and the live export of horses for slaughter for human consumption.

Established in 1953, The Fur-Bearers is a charitable, non-partisan organization whose goals are to end the commercial fur trade and promote solutions for wildlife coexistence in communities.

Voice for Animals is a registered, non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of animals in a wide range of circumstances. Our focus is on local and province wide issues but our motto could be “think globally, act locally”.

TowardsFreedom supports the right of every being to a pollution-free life. Hence, we strongly endorse the efforts of this group to ban fireworks!
More coming soon …
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