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Adoption Story: Jack

We're thrilled to hear that "Jack", an ex-carriage horse from Vancouver, B.C., has been relocated for training. A 12-year-old Clydesdale, Jack had developed a kicking problem somewhere along the way and, despite his otherwise friendly nature, was somewhat more of a handful than his initial rescuers had anticipated. Word soon spread in the horse community about this dilemma, and on August 8/06, we received the following message:

I have good news about Jack. I found a wonderful lady to take him who is going to work with him to try and figure out why he is kicking. She takes horses from the auctions that no one else wants and feeds and works with them and then finds them nice homes. We have worked out a deal in that I still own Jack while she is working with him and have final say over where he may or may not go. I think it should work out best for him. He went to his new home on Saturday and already has let Angela give him a bath, pull his mane and has even picked up his back feet for her. Once again thank you very much for all your help and I will keep you up to date on what happens with him. I am attaching a picture of him so that you can see the horse that you helped. Thanks, Frank

Thank you, Frank, for caring about Jack and for making sure that he could receive this opportunity. Sadly, many horses who develop dangerous habits (often through improper handling) are sent to auction and slaughter without assessment.

Horses deserve people like Frank and Angela in their lives!

Angela with Jack

Jack is such an amazing horse. When I first saw him and pulled his forelock to the side and saw his sweet little eyes - I knew he had a good heart. He was extremely nervous and had severe low confidence. So none of his actions were ever mean; they were out of fear. I brought Jack to ... Richmond with the help of my friend, Judy....Our vet has nicknamed us the "Richmond Optimists' Club" because we see the good in all animals...

Jack settled in fairly well and then the work began, just daily attention, grooming and reassuring, setting him up to do good so he could start feeling good about himself. It wasn't long before he realized I would not hurt him.

Update April 2, 2007

Now comments from the wonderful lady mentioned above ...

He has turned out to be awesome and no real problems with his back feet for kicking... Not a mean bone in his body. Stands like a soldier to be tacked up and I have a young girl who rides him everywhere!! He goes where you want him to. Bathes, clips, everything!! Goes to the lake and thru floods.

Anyway, the short of it is we love this big muffin and Jack is a welcome addition to our family.

Joanne, Jack's Forever Mom

Joanne and JacktheMan

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The Responsible Animal Care Society
PO Box 26097, Westbank, BC, V4T 2G3
778-754-5522 (tel)