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As the cause of animal protection moves into the mainstream, legislation becomes an increasingly valuable and effective tool, and will be critical in protecting our horses from cruelty and inhumane practices. No one has more influence with elected officials than constituents. And getting involved in the political process is as easy as it is vital.

Legislation Is More Important Than Ever
Animal protection legislation has become a critical mechanism for furthering the cause of animals in society. Animal-related bills are passed at all levels of government.

Citizen Constituents Are The Key
People are often loath to get involved in the political process for several reasons: they believe legislators only listen to high-powered lobbyists and big donors, they don't think legislation will affect their lives directly, or they don't understand how the process works. But the single most important factor in influencing how a legislator votes on a bill is constituent support. And since very few people take the time to contact their legislators, one visit, one phone call, or one letter from a constituent speaks volumes.

Join us today and starting taking action to defend Canada's horses.

Learn more about legislation here.

"Help us lead Canada's horses away from barbarism . . and into the protected pastures of a civilized nation."