
To join VeggieChess, please consider the questions below, before filling out the application form at the bottom of this page.

1. I want to improve my chess, so what can you do for me?
You will find that people here work together. Players help each other in post-game analysis, theory, tactics and strategy. There is an ever growing collection of annotated games that you can benefit from and contribute to. We also have a mentorship program which provides guidance for less experienced players and gives well-established ones a chance to become even stronger by teaching others.

2. Can I find decent, considerate people to associate with here?
We have a variety of communication tools such as our own chatroom and moderated forum. Here you can find information, participate in discussions and make friendships. VeggieChess members are nice people. We do not boast, intimidate, put down or engage in meanness. We have a strong sense of family within and a civil attitude outside of it.

3. I'm not vegetarian - will you still want me?
Being vegetarian is not a mandatory requirement for joining VeggieChess. You will find many incentives though to head in that direction. For those who want it, we will provide compelling information, numerous resources as well as personal guidance to goVeg! based on health, environmental and ethical grounds.

4. Am I going to have to play 50+ games simultaneously?
No. We are not interested in getting to the top of the heap. We play quality matches rather than a quantity of them. When you feel you are playing as many matches as you can handle comfortably, just let us know and you won't be scheduled for any more until you are ready.

5. This all sounds great, but what do you expect of me?
We expect you

  • to play responsibly: make moves on time and conduct yourself in a sporting manner

  • to be available to communicate when requested

  • to be respectful of your fellow VeggieChess members

  • to participate in the mentorship program and game analyses to the best of your ability

  • to conduct yourself on the forums in a courteous and honest fashion

  • to acknowledge that you are a valued member of our family

6. Any final words before I fill out the form?
Remember this is a place where you can play chess, make friends and have fun. Personal soap operas, high intrigues and dramatic crises are best left to the theater. How people will interact with you is often dependent on how you interact with them. Therefore, with these words, we welcome you to apply:

"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and the wrong. Sometime in life, you will have been all of these."

VeggieChess Application Form

Please note: all fields are optional except your_nick for obvious reasons.


Full Name
Email Address
Chronological Age     EnGendered Species



Anything else you would like to tell us: