... with you on your journey


My religion is simple

Have you ever seen that little girl, wide-eyed, curious with excitement as she wonders through her garden kissing flower petals ever so gently?

She's the one who entertains herself with the mystery of reality by believing her dreams are just as real. She's got dainty features and a soft voice, but she is as independent as a wild horse, unafraid of the poisons of the world... And everywhere she goes, she carries with her a friendly smile, an open heart, and an unquenching thirst to learn. She breathes in the aches and pains of the world, takes them all in, and like the sun that chases the darkness away, she exhales her optimistic thoughts with words aimed to touch the souls who've become lost in hellish nightmares. Her only fear is that all love will escape the world, and the demons will prevail, so she gives away her heart as though it were a delicious strawberry truffle -- she offers it readily, in hopes that the sweetness will overpower any taste of hate in the eater's mouth and soul. Have you met this little girl? You can find her dancing in fields of daisies or climbing mountain peaks...you can find her in me...

I believe that we are here to attain a higher level of consciousness, a higher level of awareness and understanding. The more aware we become, the faster we grow, and the more we can achieve. Success, not in the form of material possessions, but in the form of ever-growing energy and love.

Love, Cari

Irtcles by Cari

Anger is One Letter Short of Danger

A revealing article on a feeling most people can do without.

Astrology: There's More Than Meets the Eye

Could ancient wisdoms be gleaned from it?

The Truth About Stripping

When entertainment violates human rights.