... with you on your journey
Illustrious urls of incomparable inlightenments!
Here are the ilnks
A Guide to Cruelty-Free Beauty Shopping
An excellent resource for shopping the right way. Our thanks to Dakota Taylor for providing it!
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LouAnne Taylor's wonderful site for exploring reading and literacy. It is a very useful resource for parents wanting book recommendations to for their children.
30 Bananas a Day
Freelea and Durianrider's wonderful forum for those wanting to live the low fat, high vibe lifestyle.
Energetic activist Gary Yourofsky's powerful site on animal rights, meaningful in content and uncompromising in spirit.
This is an animal rights group founded by John Carmody. They believe they can and do move mountains!
Aktion Tiere in Not
ATIN is an Austrian animal rescue operation run by daughter, mother and grandmother!
All Creatures
Working for a Peaceful World for Humans, Animals and the Environment thanks to the efforts and generosity of The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation.
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Animal Associacio
The dynamic Portuguese nationwide animal rights organisation, covering all fields of animal protection work.
Animal Hero Kids
The organization that inspires and recognizes kids who become heroes to animals by being the voice for the voiceless.
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Animal Rights Concerns
This is a fine resource with an established community which has been around since 2003.
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Animal Rights Howto
Ben's magnificent work with comprehensive coverage on just about everything in animal rights!
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Animal Writings
This is Gary Lowenthal's excellent and very prolific blog providing "Essays and Musings on Animals and Society".
Bite Size Vegan
This site uses a very clever and efficient system promoting veganism through compact nuggets of information!
Canadian Horse Defense Coalition
This group defends Canadian equines from slaughter by raising public consciousness.
Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
This is Robert Rickover's site on the well-established Alexander Technique.
Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society
An internationally recognized organization that helps to improve the lives of caregivers and those they look after through information, empowerment and advocacy.
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Dog Patch Humane
This is a loving home away from home for strays, abandoned dogs and owner turn ins providing a truly family-like life style while they are in the shelter.
Dr David Sztybel
A veteran philosopher specializing in animal rights and offering resources for general, educational and academic audiences.
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This is the famous organization that John Robbins started in the 80s which kickstarted the vegetarian movement with the Pulitzer Prize nominee book, A Diet for a New America.
This is a great resource for the online environmental community with plenty of links.
Essene Church of Christ
The website for the Essenes with excellent resources in a very large variety of interesting areas.
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This is the 1999 San Diego Fall Fest, with keynote speaker John Robbins, that started the WorldFest events.
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Fruit Steading
The remarkable Rawbert's adventure in starting permaculture based vegan homesteading!
Lena's attractive and informative forum for fruitarians where you'll find discussions on a wide variety of health issues.
Global Action Network
This group works on the premise that animals, the environment, and human welfare are inextricably linked. They have a great website too!
A superb site with excellent resources on going vegetarian as well as revelations of the ethical shortcomings of factory faming.
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Great American Meatout
The national observance designed to help consumers evolve to a wholesome, nonviolent diet of vegetables, grains and fruits.
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Heal Self
This is Dr Bernarr Zovluck's very informative site on healing and staying healthy using natural hygiene principles.
Healthy Lifestyle Expo
Not only does Vegsource's Healthy Lifestyle Expo have great food and fantastic speakers, they have this brilliant poster you see on your left. Check the rest of it out by going to their site!
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Hip Raw Health
Our own bigG's site on nutrition, rawfoods, health and lifestyle containing a large number of useful articles and links.
Here is the dynamic activist Anthony Marr's website dealing with various animal issues on a global scale.
Humane Educators Reaching Out
Susan Hargreaves' humane education site that teaches respect, kindness and compassion towards animals.
Humane Myth
A site which debunks the myth that it is possible to use and kill animals in a manner that can be fairly described as respectful or compassionate or humane.
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Humane Society of the United States
The powerful American organization seeks a truly humane society in which animals are respected for their intrinsic value, and where the human-animal bond is strong.
John McDougall, MD
McDougall has been one of the leaders promoting vegetarianism since the 1980s. His knowledge and thoroughness are second to none.
Leilani Farm Sanctuary
Laurelee Blanchard's paradise for animals who have been rescued from a life of hell and given a chance to enjoy a bit of heaven right here on earth!
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Living and Raw Foods
Here is the largest rawfoods community on the internet with lots of articles and resources.
Loving It Raw
Alison and Jaye's informative site about their personal journey into raw is very readable and full of valuable insights.
Mercy for Animals
This is the superb Ohio animal advocacy organization who defend the rights of all animals through various campaigns. MFA has produced a series of excellent sites as well as a dvd of their involvement in the animal rights movement.
Michael Greger, MD
This very knowledgeable and capable doctor has produced an excellent site with well-researched and technical newsletters on vegetarianism.
Models with Conscience
They set the model for all models! Their fashion statement is indeed one which all can live with!
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Noha's Ark
Ecological and Cosmological life and art in the Wilderness of infinity!
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Dr. Greger's admirable site which brings nutrition science to everyone.
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The unladylike mutterings of the ONEderful Shelley Williams! It's a great place to come face to face with truth.
Our Compass
An informative social justice animal rights blog "because compassion directs us".
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Our Place International
University of Life of Ray Kent and Siok Khoon which searches for what's right and not who's right.
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People for Ethical Treatment of Animals is the world-renowned animal rights organization which has made compassion cool.
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
A knowledgeable group that provides a useful medical perspective for the lay person.
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Raw for Life
An excellent and well-researched site created by rawfood educator Debbie Took.
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This is the courageous Austrian group Students for Animal rights, Veganism and Environment.
Steve Hindi's dynamic organization that fights against various forms of animal abuse such as rodeos, bullfighting and birdshoots.
San Diego Animal Advocates
A very active group that is working towards a higher ethic and better world for animals.
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
This is the courageous eco-warrior Paul Watson's organization that successfully combats marine life atrocities against overwhelming odds all over the oceans.
Seeds for Change Humane Education
Dani Dennenberg provides thoughtful, challenging and free programs for teachers from grade 6 right up to university levels.
Shirari Industries
An ethical and diverse business run by two very talented individuals doing design and advocacy in social justice movements.
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This is a socially responsible and generous organization that brings musical education materials to everyone.
Bill and Jeff launch a very infomative project that promotes vegan (plant-based) diets. Visit this intropage then go to their site!
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Steven Best
Without doubt, some of the best thinking and writing on the idea of "total liberation" for animals, people and our planet.
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The Responsible Animal Care Society is Sinikka Crosland's group dedicated to the kind and compassionate treatment of all living beings.
Teri Leventhal's Blog
A informative and finely presented blog on raw vegan with lots of recipes and videos!
The Garden Diet
This is the Nutman is a raw nuts and vegetables regimen! Check out their site to get information about their CD or audio tape.
The Vegan Truth
An excellent compilation of significant vegan topics by M. 'Butterflies' Katz, a longterm vegan, animal rights advocate.
The Writings of Vasumurti
A physicist who has produced an excellent source of information about a variety of social justice issues.
This is actress and singer honey sheperd's legacy of words and music to all. Through her poetry and songs, she forces the revelation of that which many continue to refuse to see.
Transformation Institute
The informative website of this natural hygiene doctor with ideas for healthful living.
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Trevor Murdock
Scientist Trevor Murdock presents information on health, environment, parenting and lots more.
UnReal Living
Derek Howlett's imaginative site where he challenges the status quo to reach unreal levels of health, happiness and freedom!
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Here is the Nelsons' magnificent creation with articles and subsites from leaders in the movement. It is a vegetarian's dream come true!
Vegan Peace
Wanda Embar's outstanding site inspiring people to strive towards a more peaceful world. There is a vast amount of information here as well as an excellent forum!
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Vegan Poet
A site of wonderful poems, articles and an important, thorough vegan survey created by Butterflies Katz.
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Vegan Publishers
A wonderful initiative to promote social consciousness, awareness and justice through veganism
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Vegan Vet
Armaiti May's refreshing approach to the veterinary profession incorporating animal advocacy and even housecalls!
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VegePets Info
This is veterinarian Andrew Knight's excellent site providing "the facts about meat-based and vegetarian cat and dog diets".
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Verein gegen Tierfabriken
This is Austria's Association against Animal Factories dedicated to reducing and eliminating the exploitation and abuse of animals.
She is a writer involved in veganism, animal issues and environment. Follow this link to find out more and then visit her own website.
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Via's Blog
Via's personal and insightful blog filled with rawfood info and compassion!
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World Farm Animal Day
This event observes the suffering and death of 50 billion cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, and other innocent, feeling animals in the world's factory farms and slaughterhouses.
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Come to WorldFest for food, music, celebrations of a compassionate way of life! 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 Los Angeles were a massive success! The festival continues under new management.
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Youth Against Animal Abuse is a responsible animal care society where all creatures are treated kindly.