Towards Freedom

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Juice Recipes From Big George

Please choose organic produce, if at all possible, when selecting your fruits and vegetables. Organic produce is grown without harmful chemicals/pesticides. The key is to buy what is in season. Enjoy.


6 carrots
2 apples (any kind)

Cantaloupe Juice
Cut into strips and juice (rind and all if organic)

Sunshine Cocktail
2 apples
4-6 strawberries

The Waldorf
1 stalk celery
2 apples

1/2 grapefruit (peeled)
2 rings of pineapple

Raw Recipes From Big George

Here are some remarkable raw recipes that will make you rush to the kitchen! Remember as always to buy organic whenever possible.

Cream Of Asparagus Soup
1 bunch of asparagus
3 stalks celery
1/2 small onion
1 1/2-2 avocados
1 cup water
6 sprigs organic parsley
2 tsp. tomatillo powder
kelp or Nori to taste

Blend until creamy. If not creamy enough, add 1/2 small avocado and blend.\\

"Spaghetti" and Tomato Sauce
To make sauce, blend in blender or Vita-Mix:
6 medium totmatoes
3-4 Tbs. tomato powder or all-purpose seasoning
2 tsp. jicama powder (optional)
1 tsp. beet powder (optional)
Italian seasoning
onion and/or garlic or kelp to taste