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Sweet Nothing

Nov 20, 2006 Update

Fun in a Field
Photo Credit: Cindy Wasney

Oct 20, 2006 Update!

Sweet Snacking
Photo Credit: Cindy Wasney

July 30, 2006 Update!

Sweet Nothing has now been relocated to her permanent home on Vancouver Island, where she is in expert, loving hands. This amazing horse is now so comfortable with her prosthesis that she even offered her left front hoof to her guardian to hold, thus placing more weight on her new "leg".

July 4, 2006 Update!

Sweet Nothing has recovered well from her amputation, and is adjusting to her prosthesis. She has been adopted out to a loving "forever" home. Stay tuned for updated photographs of this amazing horse!

Earlier information:

Sweet Nothing is a six year old horse who lives at Big Julie's Rescue Ranch. Despite showing a lot of spunk as she chases dogs and gobbles up apples, Sweet Nothing faces quite a challenge in her life. Several years ago she experienced an injury to her left hind leg. Since then, Roger has had at least two surgeries performed on Sweet Nothing's leg. Unfortunately, instead of getting better, things have gotten worse over time. In recent months, Sweet Nothing has not been able to put any weight on that left hind leg, and so she has had to move about on three legs.

just standin' around

In consultation with several veterinarians, it has been decided that the best option for Sweet Nothing is to amputate the bottom part of her leg, and then build a prosthesis for her to wear. There is a Canadian veterinary surgeon, based in California, who is willing to be involved in her case. He has performed several of these procedures, and believes Sweet Nothing has a good chance to have a happier, more comfortable, and longer life. According to several veterinarians, the only alternative to performing this procedure is to euthanize Sweet Nothing. We don't see that as much of an option, and we are hopeful that the amputation and prosthesis will work well for her.

who me???

Unfortunately, these procedures are costly. There will be bills for Sweet Nothing's surgery, her hospital stay (which will likely be at least three months), medications, and post-care. We would be so grateful to receive any financial support to pay for Sweet Nothing's medical costs. Edit: Generous benefactors have come forth and expenses have been paid for! How wonderful!!

catch that dog!!

We've learned from Roger, how Sweet Nothing came to be at Big Julie's Rescue Ranch. At one time he had two horses on the ranch who were good friends. One of them passed away, and the other was inconsolable with grief. Wanting to help ease the pain of the loss, Roger went to the slaughterhouse, and for $200 purchased Sweet Nothing as a friend for the sad horse. She's been a wonderful addition to the animal family at Big Julie's. We believe that dear Sweet Nothing deserves a second chance.

stalled at the veterinary hospital Jan 27, 2006

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