hurRaw 08 Here is something to eat: Grapefruit Surprise 3-4 Grape fruits 1 apple 1-2 tablespoons of flax seed oil 2 cups of distilled or Reverse Osmosis Water Place all the above ingredients in a blender and blend until your desired consistency. Say good-bye to any constipation. You will love this one. Here is something to know: Hybrid Foods? What is all this talk about Hybrid foods? Well here we go. Ready? Well a hybrid food is a food that can less be found growing in nature. Lifefoods (foods found in nature/wild) have vital electric's bestowed through minerals that fortify and protect the plant from being overcome by the forces of nature. Starch can only be found in hybridized foods. Starch breaks down into carbonic acid in the blood, reacting further acidification challenges. (This is why a lot of people have lower back pains and sore muscles.) One can less than find starch in nature. Hybridized foods that have starch enter the liver, along with all the other carbohydrates (sugars), and the liver releases these sugars that came from hybridized foods much quicker than any of the other sugars. Sugar from fruit is held onto longer than rice or a potato (both hybrids). Sugars from potato, rice, wheat, corn legumes and tuber vegetables cause insulin production to be raised in response to these natural foods. Before I really understood this I was wondering why? so many have these bizarre mood swings. I evan looked back at my cooked vegeterian days and realized what a suguar addict I was. Running to the store to buy potatoe chips in bizarre hours. Trust me the word addict is not to harsh of a word to be used. Hypoglycemia is a problem much worse than people think it is like a plague. Many relationships and families have difficulties because one or more people are addicted to sugar in it’s unnatural form, causing mental and physical imbalanes. This increase in insulin has a profound effect on the vitality of the body. Wheat, corn and rice can only be found in a farmers field, you will find them less growing in nature, along with potatoes and other hybridized foods. Hyberdized foods are: potatoes, rice, corn, wheat, legumes, all tuber vegetables like: carrots, beets (unless wild), commercial bananas. Now that we know the problem what is the solution? Easy eat plenty of greens especially wild foods (like dandelion etc.) The great thing about knowledge is that we can use it in our lives if we so chose to. The benefit of this information for me is one can learn to be more understanding when others are behaving well a little odd. Have fun!