Email reply to Shawnigan Resident's Association regarding their stance on fireworks:

Jul 17, 2023, 1:53 PM (5 days ago)

Thank you for getting back to me!
We very much appreciate your bringing the matter up at the August meeting.

Given the well-established hazard fireworks are to animals, people, and the environment, the issue isn't simply one of opinion … just as the toxic soil dumping fiasco wasn't a matter of opinion a few years ago.

Various cities (eg Vancouver, Calgary, Brampton) have already banned these displays and our own director, Sierra Acton was quite adamant at the Apr13 meeting:

Acton said the CVRD is way behind many large municipalities and other jurisdictions which have completely banned fireworks. She pointed out that livestock and many pets are adversely impacted by the use of fireworks, and the CVRD should show some leadership and ban them as well.

“[The CVRD] has a population of just 90,000 people and we’re going to have 10 different celebrations going on, and 20 different illegal fireworks events [each year] for just 90,000 people,” she said. “I think it’s totally unnecessary and so far behind the times … Fireworks within CVRD still a hot topic; some directors want a complete ban

There are often severe consequences as these articles show:
Delta police investigating fireworks-involved assaults after Halloween gathering
People got stupid with fireworks all over Toronto on Victoria Day
July 4th firework mishaps claimed lives and injured dozens

Not to mention the fiscal irresponsibility:

Over Halloween weekend in 2020, the service reported a total dollar loss for fireworks-related incidents to $408,000. This year [after the ban was implemented], that figure dropped to just $5,500. Halloween fire costs plunge in Vancouver in first year of firework ban

We are still relatively well-behaved in Shawnigan Lake, generally having considerate people and excellent neighbors. We don't have to deal with this sort of thing:
What the Hell is Going on With the Nonstop Fireworks, Every Single Night?q

… yet!

Let's prevent our fine place from becoming Shenanigan Lake!

Created: 2023-07-22 Sat 11:56
