Fireworks Loathing ====== As someone who has never been a fan of fireworks, I would like to take a few minutes to share my personal thoughts on the matter. While fireworks can be visually stunning and awe-inspiring to some who really need to get a life, they also come with a number of downsides that are often overlooked. For one, they can be incredibly loud and disruptive, causing distress to people and animals alike. As someone who values peace and quiet, I find it difficult to enjoy myself when fireworks are going off in the background. Furthermore, fireworks can be dangerous if not handled properly. Every year, there are countless reports of injuries and accidents caused by fireworks, many of which could have been prevented with proper safety precautions. As someone who values safety and responsibility, I find it hard to justify the use of fireworks when there are so many risks involved. Finally, I believe that fireworks are often used as a symbol of excess and waste. The amount of money and resources that go into producing and setting off fireworks is staggering, and I can't help but wonder if there are better ways to use those resources. As someone who values sustainability and conservation, I find it hard to justify the use of fireworks when there are so many other pressing issues that need our attention. I don't appreciate the so-called beauty and spectacle of fireworks! I personally find them to be more trouble than they're worth. From the noise and disruption to the safety risks and environmental impact, I believe that there are many reasons to reconsider our use of fireworks. Thank you for listening to my thoughts on this urgent matter. ====== I am absolutely fed up with fireworks! Every year, people set off these loud, obnoxious explosives that do nothing but cause harm and chaos. The noise is unbearable, and it's not just me who feels this way. People with autism and PTSD are especially affected by the loud noises, and it's not fair to them. Even pets are traumatized by the loud noises and bright lights. And let's not forget the environmental impact of fireworks. The Mount Rushmore fireworks controversy is a perfect example of how fireworks can harm the environment. The surrounding forests could catch fire, and the stone could even catch on fire! That's why Mount Rushmore hasn't had fireworks for more than a decade! It's time to put an end to this madness and find safer, more environmentally-friendly ways to celebrate. Let's work together to make our communities safer and more peaceful places to live. Please!! ======