======================= VOTT IF ... you could get a short, humorous, informative e-mail each week that was insightful and meaningful to your life? ======================= Valuing Ourselves Often our discontent comes from our concern for material and temporal things; the feeling that fate has treated us unfairly. We forget or are not aware of our true nature - material and spiritual, temporal and eternal. The great teachers from East tell us that the realm of the spirit is not cut off from the realm of life. To deny our spirit is to violate the integrity of human life. We need to listen to our "inner selves", our "hearts". By acknowledging our complete nature, we give a new kind of relatedness to our world and grow into freedom! Time Tippies You want to make time? Slow down. Slow down the eating, but eat right. Slow down the lifestyle, but live. The best way to 'get more time' is to increase the quality of time you spend and 'get more out of it'. Inspiration Trevor Swain was a thirteen year old boy who lived life to the fullest in Maple Bay on Vancouver Island. He was awarded the highest Boy Scout honour in Canada for showing outstanding personal qualities while overcoming adversity. Diagnosed with bone cancer two years ago, Trevor endured extensive chemotherapy, radiation, blood and platelet transfusions, a bone marrow transplant and six major operations. His positive, enthusiastic spirit prevailed despite pain, suffering and isolation. Trevor remained an active scout, helping sick children by devising a project to create bird house kits for them to assemble during their recovery. He happily delivered these to the hospital. Though the cancer re-emerged as terminal, Trevor courageously continued to pursue his dreams, participating in as many activities as he was able until his recent death. As the representative of the Governor General of Canada said when Trevor received his award,"We are all mighty proud of you, the standards you've set and the inspiration you've offered us. You are a great one. A really great one." Funecdotes George Bernard Shaw was at a party once sitting beside a pompous, young man who was a flowing spring of uninteresting information. After suffering this person's interminable monologue throughout the meal, Shaw observed, "You know, between the two of us, we know all there is to know." His neighbour, flattered that someone of Shaw's stature would make such a statement, asked, "How can that be so?" "Well," replied Shaw, "You seem to know everything except that you are a bore. And I know that!"